All workers are paid & working voluntarily; they’re happy and want to be here there is no binding work against-will we are strictly against indentured and bonded labor.
The factory assures a safe & healthy work environment to avoid all types of accidents & injuries. We make a responsible contribution to the healthcare needs of our employees.
We believe in complete adherence to the law by all our employees. We comply with all legal standards in the labor code we respect the legal & moral rights of all our workers.
We treat all our workers with reverence and respect. No employee shall ever be discriminated against:
— Physically — Sexually — Psychologically — Racially — Verbally
We strictly follow international child labor policy & laws no worker is allowed at Raglan under 18 yrs of age (the legal limit) we actively check the birthdate of new employees & applicants
We have a policy and do not exceed prevailing local work hours all employees work:
• — No more than 48 hrs / week
• — With at least 1 scheduled day off / week
• — With overtime payments
We respect our employees’ rights to:
• — Join any organization of their own choice
• — Associate with whomever they choose
• — Engage in collective bargaining
there is no intimidation or harassment in the exercise of employees associating with other people or organizations
Following labor laws, we pay employees:
• — At least minimum wage, or,
• — Prevailing industry wage (whichever is higher)
• — Plus legally mandated benefits.
we also compensate for overtime hours, at the legal rate (Double gross wage).
Our factory believes in non-discrimination we only look at merit while recruiting and setting wages. When deciding the status/remuneration of employees , we see no differences in: gender, race, nationality, age, disability, orientation, religion, social/ethnic origin